Barbara and Guillermo in New York City

We genuinely enjoy photographing weddings.  We get to know some wonderful people and they give us an opportunity to document their joyous occasion and make some beautiful pictures.  What’s not to like about that?  But I have to admit, Barbara and Guillermo’s wedding was a special treat.  I met them on the steps of the Marriage Bureau in New York City.  They arrived in a big yellow Checker Cab.  I could not have possible imagined what the Marriage Bureau would be like.  Hundreds, and I do mean hundreds, of couples of all nationalities and all colors gathering to be married.  Some elegantly dressed couples waited their turn next to a couple in tee shirts and jeans.  I found it fascinating.  After the ceremony in the chapel Barbara changed into her high top sneakers and off we went for a stroll through lower Manhattan and then over to the waterfront in Brooklyn.

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